PeTr.FIT – The APP

PeTr.FIT – The APP


Welcome to the (PErsonal app!

Hi, I’m Ioana, and I’m 37 years old. Four years ago, I was sedentary, dealing with a herniated disc, and weighing around 80 kg. I didn’t have time for anything, and I lacked motivation to go to the gym. I’m sure there are many people who feel and think just like I did, so I want to share my story with you. Going back to four years ago, I decided to make a real change. I enlisted the services of a remote personal trainer and saw exceptional results. That’s how I came up with a marketplace for personal trainers and nutritionists.

In 2021, a WHO study stated that 39% of the global adult population is overweight. 44% reported not engaging in any physical activity, and 11% said they remained seated at their desks for 8 hours straight. The data is concerning, and I saw an opportunity to bring the gym to the pocket of every user at a significantly lower cost. helps users train from anywhere, anytime, and as much as they want, under the guidance of professionals. democratizes the market for personal trainers and nutritionists.

In the app, users have access to a library of explained exercises and recipes, live sessions with trainers, and the results of other users. Trainers have access to a digital wallet, the ability to schedule workouts in advance, or organize live classes with multiple users.

Additionally, the PeTr.FIT app helps trainers promote their services, monetize their downtime, and expand their client base beyond the confines of the gym, neighborhood, or even country.

Get early acces here:

RO: Bine ai venit in aplicatia (PErsonal!. Buna, eu sunt Ioana si am 37 de ani. Acum 4 ani de zile eram sedentara, cu hernie de disc si undeva la 80 kg. Nu aveam timp de absolut nimic, nu ma simteam motivata sa merg la sala. Sunt sigura ca sunt multe persoane care se simt si gandesc exact ca mine, asa ca vreau sa impartasesc povestea mea cu voi. Revenind la acum 4 ani, am decis sa fac o schimbare reala. Am apelat la serviciile unui antrenor personal la distanta si am vazut rezultate exceptionale. Astfel, mi-a venit ideea un marketplace de antrenori personali si nutritionisti. In 2021, un studiu al OMS spunea ca 39% din populatia adulta la nivel mondial este supraponderala. 44% declara ca nu fac deloc activitate fizica si 11% spun ca nu se misca de la birou timp de 8 ore. Datele sunt ingrijoratoare si am vazut o oportunitate sa aduc sala in buzunarul oricarui utilizator, la un cost semnificativ mai mic. ajuta utilizatorii sa se poata antrena de oriunde, oricand si oricat vor, sub indrumarea profesionistilor. va democrativa piata de antrenori personali si nutritionisti. In aplicatie, utilizatorii au acces la o librarie de exercitii explicate si retete, sesiuni live alaturi de antrenori si la rezultatele altor utilizatori. Antrenorii au acces la un portofel digital, posibilitatea de a inregistra planuri de antrenament in avans sau de a organiza clase live cu mai multi utilizatori. De asemenea, aplicatia PeTr.FIT ajuta antrenorii sa-si promoveze serviciile, sa isi monetizeze timpii morti si sa-si extinda baza de clienti dincolo de limitele salii de sport, cartierului sau chiar tarii.